Dr Pantelis SoupiosUndergraduate Courses taught in the past
Analysis of GeoEnvironmental Data (Theory, 2 hours/week – h/w) and was taught between 2002-2009 (winter semester).
Geothermy (Theory, 2hours/week), was taught between 2002-2009 (spring semester) and cover the basic geological characteristics of a geothermal field, borehole technologies, well logging, production and final usage.
Groundwater Hydrogeology (T-L, 2h/w – 4h/w) from 2002 till Aug. 2018, covering the principles of groundwater, aquifers, water flow, chemistry, quality and field methods (geophysical investigation and well logging) used
Hydrogeophysics and Applied Techniques of Water Resources Investigations (Theory – Laboratory, 2h/w – 4h/w) from 2002 till now. The course covers all the geophysical (surface, borehole and special arrays) methods applied for water detection and contaminants (groundwater degradation) monitoring.
Drilling operations (Theory – Laboratory, 2h/w – 2h/w), from 2002 till now, covering the different types of boreholes construction, in situ methods applied in wells, advantages and limitations of boreholes use for geotechnical/engineering aspects, oil and gas production and groundwater survey.
HydroMeteorology – Climatology (Theory – Laboratory, 2h/w – 4h/w), from 2011 till now. This course covers the principles of HydroMeteorology.
Post Graduate Courses
Sept. 2014 - now
MSc course in Geoenvironmental Resources and Risks, TEI Crete (http://georr.chania.teicrete.gr/),
• Tutor on Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeological / HydroGeophysical Hazard.
• Co-Tutor on Applied Geophysics and Environmental Applications
Sept. 2014 - 2018
MSc course in Energy Systems,
• Tutor on Geothermic and drilling techniques.
Feb. - June 2016, Feb.-April 2017, Feb-May 2018
MSc course in Petroleum Engineering (Technical University of Crete), (http://www.peteng-master.tuc.gr/3807.html)