Pantelis Soupios
Professional ServicesReview and Editorial Responsibilities
Since now, I have served as reviewer in: Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier), Hydrogeology Journal (Springer), Advances in Geosciences-EGS, Environmental Geology (Springer), Engineering Geology (Elsevier), Landslides (Springer), Journal of Balkan Geophysical Society, Computers and Geosciences (Elsevier), Annals of Geophysics, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (IoP), WSEAS Proceedings, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, International Journal of Environmental Studies (IJES), Geophysical Prospecting (Wiley-Blackwell – EAGE), Surveys in Geophysics (Springer), SENSORS, Hydrological Processes (John Wiley & Sons), Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier), Near Surface Geophysics (EAGE), Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, International Journal of Geophysics, ESRJ-Earth Sciences Research Journal, GEOPHYSICS (SEG), Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Geophysical Journal International.

Guest editor of the special issues
- Electrical Imaging for Geohazard and Environmental Monitoring, International Journal of Geophysics (October 2011).
- Subsurface Contamination Monitoring, SEG Interpretation Journal (March 2015)
Lead Guest Editor of the invited special issue
- Integrated Approaches to Soil Contamination Monitoring, Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Hindawi (Nov. 2015).
Chair appointments
- Co-chairman, 2nd IASME / WSEAS Int.Conf. on WATER RESOURCES, HYDRAULICS & HYDROLOGY (WHH’07), Portoroz (Portorose), Slovenia, May 15-17, 2007 , SESSION: Mapping hydrogeological features: Integrated Geophysics and Hydrogeology
Meetings / Workshops
• 29 Sept. – 03 Oct. 2011: Scientific committee of the 1 st International Workshop: METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MODELLING: LANDSLIDES AND GROUND WATER DYNAMICS, Invited speaker: Hydrogeological and geophysical study on some large karstic aquifers in Crete Island.
• 05-08 Oct. 2015: Local Organizing Committee of the 8th Congress of the Balkan Geophysical Society
Session Chair
- Biochar Production, Characterization and Environmental Applications, AGU 2018

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Instructor: 17 February 2014: Use of seismic and electromagnetic geophysical methods to archaeological prospection, RESTeCH I (REmote Sensing Technologies in Cultural Heritage) Workshop, Rethymon-Crete, Invited Lecture.
Instructor: 02-03 May 2012: Invited professor to University of Basilicata in Italy to the postgraduate course ProIDRO II, UNIBAS, entitled: Application of innovative geophysical methods in hydro geological hazards and risk assessments).
Instructor: 21-29 September 2012: Invited tutor to the postgraduate course RESTAR (REmote Sensing Techniques in Archaeological Research – Basic Theory and Software Application). Organized by Laboratory of Geophysical – Satellite Remote Sensing & Archaeo-environment of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (I.M.S.) / Foundation of Research & Technology (F.O.R.T.H.). Tutors: Dr. Dean Goodman, Dr. N. Papadopoulos, Dr. P. Soupios, Dr. A. Sarris, Dr. D. Alexakis, Dr. Gianluca Cantoro and Mr. A. Agapiou.
Instructor: 9 – 10 February 2012: Tutor on Water Management course provided by the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) (Thessaloniki, N. Greece)
Instructor: 1 – 3 October 2012: on Water Management course provided by the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (E.K.D.D.A.) (Thessaloniki, N. Greece)
Instructor: 02-08 April 2011: postgraduate course ProIDRO, UNIBAS, University of Basilicata, Potenza, ITALY in the subject of: Application of innovative geophysical methods in hydrogeological hazards and risk assessments.